Shannon Conboy is a fully vaccinated singer, dancer, & actor based in nyc and san diego.
Shannon has been singing and dancing her way through life since before she could remember. Born and raised in Southern California, Shannon has spent recent years based in New York City and performing throughout the country.
She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Music Performance and loves spending her days taking class at Steps and BDC, whether that be in person or virtually! When NOT dancing and singing, you’ll likely find Shannon sailing, doing yoga, or watching movies with her family.
Find out more about upcoming performances below. Thanks for stopping by!
You’ll find Shannon performing in Utah at the STUNNING Tuacahn Amphitheater!! Shannon will be featured as Cherry Sundae in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and will be singing and dancing through the Ensemble of Tarzan and The Hunchback of Notre Dame! Tickets for all three can be found on the Tuacahn website. Hope to see you there!
most recently…
You may have seen Shannon living her best 80’s life as Ensemble, u/s Julia Sullivan on Long Island! Kicking of this 2023 year performing in her third production at The Gateway was an absolute TREAT!